Happy santa with sunglasses on

‘Tis the season for Christmas parties!

29 Nov
by Suzie Business Owner & Senior HRBP

If you’re the one in charge of planning and organising your company’s celebration, don’t fret. We’ve got you covered with these 5 essential tips to ensure a holly jolly time without any unwanted surprises.

Take charge

Don’t wait for things to go wrong – be proactive! Use your party invites as an opportunity to set expectations and remind employees to represent the company well, both in person and on social media. If you’re offering a free bar, consider setting limits to avoid any inappropriate behaviour. And remember, if any issues arise, follow your disciplinary procedure accordingly. 

If you are unsure or need any advice, call the team at Breathing Space!

All are welcome

Make sure everyone feels included in the festivities. Be mindful of dietary restrictions, alcohol preferences, or ethical beliefs. Provide non-alcoholic options and accommodate any special dietary needs. Let your employees know that everyone is invited, regardless of personal preferences.

Safety first

While it may not be your sole responsibility, think about your employees’ safety. Don’t let anyone drive under the influence. Encourage taking taxis or arrange alternative transportation to ensure everyone gets home safely. Imagine the potential media headlines if an accident were to occur.

Festive fashion

Embrace the fun of Christmas Jumper Day, but remember to set some ground rules. Make sure staff are aware of any dress code requirements, especially if they interact with customers. Avoid offensive or inappropriate attire and maintain professionalism in the workplace.

Have a blast!

Most importantly, enjoy yourselves! Forward planning and open communication will help ensure a wonderful holiday season for you and your staff. Avoid any nightmare scenarios by staying organised and embracing the joy of the season.

How can we help? The Breathing Space team are on hand to help with any advice and support during the festive season.

Don’t forget you can also head to our free resources hub How To HR and look in the support section How-To-HR

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