Coloured leaves hanging off a line of string

Welcome Cosy Knits & Conkers!

5 Sep
by Suzie Business Owner & Senior HRBP
Top Tips For Looking After Your Mental Health this Autumn
It’s back to school and work and time to put on our coats. Just because the lustre of summer has gone, that doesn’t mean there isn’t still beauty in the natural environment.
Take in the changing leaves and the smell of rain, to ground yourself in the present. Summer often brings chaotic social calendars, travel plans and financial pressures.
Use Autumn to reset, take a breather and reflect on the good memories you made during the Summer. 
If your usual routines were interrupted during the Summer, do your best to return to them and use any extra free time to make improvements, such as reducing screen time, keep reading if this is something you only do on holiday. Most importantly, get a regular bedtime routine to ensure you get the rest you need. 
Watching or reading the news can cause anxiety and low mood. Focus on what you can control. Don’t be afraid to speak out or remove yourself if you’re in a situation where someone expresses views you don’t agree with. 
Striving for positive social change improves our well-being by boosting self-esteem and connecting us to others. 
Wellbeing in the workplace
Colder, wetter weather can cause low mood and harm mental health. If you’re supporting someone experiencing mental health difficulties, make sure you don’t do so to your detriment. It’s important to have boundaries to ensure your emotional well-being. Breathing exercises are valuable tools for controlling negative emotions.
Because they are subtle and difficult for others to perceive, they can be done anywhere, including the workplace. The NHS has a page with instructions for a safe and easy breathing exercise you can try if you feel overwhelmed in the workplace. (Link below).
We should always strive to be kind and considerate, however, creating space to look after ourselves is essential. This quarter’s wellness challenge is to take some time out each week to practice self-care. This can look different for everyone. For some people, just having a shower is a massive achievement. For others, this can be swimming, meditating, walking, or practising a new hobby.  Find your ‘You Time’.
Don’t forget you can access free Mental Health Awareness training support and  Stress Management – A Line Managers Guide through our website portal How To HR (management section).
Book a free consultation