The key steps to employee engagment

Employee Experience: Moments that Matter

13 Mar
by Suzie Business Owner & Senior HRBP

It’s crucial for organisations to understand the moments that impact their employees’ experiences. These moments are the memories and interactions that leave a lasting impact on an individual’s journey within a company.

01 Attract: The journey begins with the initial attraction phase.

For prospective employees, this could be their first conversation with a recruiter or a representative of the organisation. It’s the first glimpse into the company culture.

Then comes the pivotal moment of the first interview with their potential manager, where the tone for their future relationship is often set.

Finally, receiving that offer letter is a moment of excitement, marking the beginning of a new chapter.

02 Onboard: The onboarding process sets the stage for an employee’s integration into the company.

The first day experience holds significant weight, as it shapes their initial perceptions and expectations. Meeting their team for the first time fosters a sense of belonging, while the first 1-on-1 with their manager lays the groundwork for open communication.

Even returning from extended leave or time away from the office can be a pivotal moment, marking a reintegration into the workflow.

03 Engage: Employee engagement is sustained through interactions and support during both professional and personal milestones. Whether it’s navigating an extended leave or coping with personal grief, how the organisation responds can deeply impact an employee’s sense of belonging.

Additionally, acknowledging work anniversaries or birthdays (or the absence thereof) can signal appreciation and recognition.

04 Develop: Development opportunities are crucial for employee growth and satisfaction.

The first stretch project provides a chance to showcase skills and expand horizons. Constructive feedback, when delivered effectively, facilitates learning and improvement.

Attending manager training signifies investment in career progression, while clear communication during shifts in priorities ensures alignment and understanding.

05 Perform: Performance evaluation is a critical juncture where accomplishments are recognised and goals are set.

The performance cycle kick-off sets expectations, while the evaluation conversation provides valuable insight and direction. The announcement of promotions (or the lack thereof) can significantly impact morale and career trajectory.

06 Exit: Even as employees depart, their final moments within the organisation leave a lasting impression. The resignation or termination conversation marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. The exit interview offers an opportunity for reflection and feedback, contributing to organizational growth.

Finally, the departure announcement signals the transition, while maintaining connections through alumni networks fosters a sense of community.

07 Alumni: The journey doesn’t end with departure; it transitions into a new phase within the alumni network. Welcoming former employees into this community maintains relationships and opens doors for potential collaboration.

References or recommendations from previous colleagues speak volumes about the impact an individual has made. Similarly, reactions to announcements of their next job highlight the bonds formed during their time within the organisation.

Considering Unique Moments: Each organisation has its own unique set of moments that matter, shaped by its culture, values, and experiences.

By reflecting on these moments and understanding their significance, organisations can tailor their approach to employee experience.

For leaders, it’s essential to listen, adapt, and prioritise the moments that really make a difference to their teams.

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